automatic reconnectの例文
automatic call reconnect
Automatic call reconnect

operation reconnect
In-person protests against the Church continued throughout the year, including " Operation Party Hard " on March 15 and " Operation Reconnect " on April 12.

Now a modern engineering project aims to reconnect Europe and Africa. After installing the SIMMs, reconnect any cables you removed earlier. People seem touchingly eager to reconnect with f......

to reconnect
She eventually decides to reconnect but discovers her mother has recently died. Above all, Carter wanted to reconnect the series to Mulder and Scully. Then why is his most important missio......

the automatic automatic
It was released in the United States under the alias of The Automatic Automatic on 14 May 2007. For the album's release in the Japan and the United States the artwork is yellow, as opposed......

10mm automatic
I really enjoyed your extremely informative article regarding the 10mm Automatic handgun cartridge. I was wondering why the author didn't include that the HK-MP5 was / is used by the F . B......

25 mm automatic air defense gun m1940
Being a chief of the designer bureau of 8th Kalinin Artillery plant in Kaliningrad ( Moscow Oblast ), he created, among others, 45-mm anti-tank gun M1937 ( 53-K ), 76-mm air-defense gun M1......

37 mm automatic air defense gun m1939
The 37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 ( 61-K ) was the closest Soviet counterpart, firing a shell very similar to the Flak from a gun of generally similar weight and size. AA guns for ......

a type automatic switchboard
A type automatic switchboard

aac automatic amplitude control
Aac automatic amplitude control

aac automatic ampltiude control
Aac automatic ampltiude control

aacc american automatic control council
Aacc american automatic control council Aacc american automatic control council

abb automatic black balance
Abb automatic black balance

abc automatic boiler control
Abc automatic boiler control

abc automatic brightness control
Abc automatic brightness control

abdl automatic binary data link
Abdl automatic binary data link

abl automatic black level
Abl automatic black level

abtd automatic bulk tape degausser
Abtd automatic bulk tape degausser

acc automatic climate control
Acc automatic climate control

acc automatic congestion control
Acc automatic congestion control information message

acd automatic call distribution
Acd automatic call distribution

acd automatic call distributor
Acd automatic call distributor

aci automatic car identification system
Aci automatic car identification system

ack automatic chroma killer
Ack automatic chroma killer